Research Grant

The Nanovic Institute offers two graduate research grants: academic year and summer research grants. These awards support a wide variety of graduate student research in European studies. Grants can be used to conduct research necessary for the development or completion of a thesis, dissertation, or publication. Graduate research grants are available to all graduate students in satisfactory academic standing with at least a 3.0 GPA and those not enrolled beyond the degree completion limits set by the graduate school. Research awards cover flights, lodging, modest living, and research-related expenses. Academic year grants (fall, winter, or spring) carry a maximum award of $3,000, and grants awarded for summer research carry a maximum award of $6,000.

Apply for Graduate Grant

Application deadlines:

  • Fall: September 12, 2023
  • Winter: November 7, 2023
  • Spring: February 6, 2024
  • Summer: April 2, 2024

The next round of applications will be announced as soon as possible during the 2024-25 academic year.

How to apply

Students applying for a Graduate Research Grant must submit the following documents:

    • 3-4 page research proposal outlining your research question, methods, qualifications, and overall rationale behind the project. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the institute’s research priorities and articulate how their work aligns with or contributes to one or more of these priority areas.
    • Current CV.
    • Detailed budget. For budgeting guidelines and restrictions please see effective budgeting.
    • Faculty letter of recommendation. The letter should be from a faculty member at Notre Dame who is familiar with the student’s academic work and the details of the specific research project being proposed. An effective faculty letter will explicitly reflect upon the importance and viability of the research project. Faculty letters that do not evince a familiarity with the student’s proposal will greatly disadvantage the student’s chances of receiving funding from the institute. Faculty will be prompted to submit their letters after the student application has been submitted.

Award Expectations and Requirements

Once awarded, the funding must be used to conduct the project as proposed in the application (to the best of the recipient’s ability). Funded research trips must be completed by the end of the relevant semester.

Combined funding from this grant and other sources may not exceed the project’s total budget, and applicants must promptly inform the Nanovic Institute of additional funding received at any point from application submission through completion of the research trip. Recipients must return any paid funds if they cancel the project and must repay any non-refundable expenses incurred by the Nanovic Institute (i.e. airfare directly paid) if cancellation is not due to documented illness or another justifying circumstance.

After completing the project, grant recipients must provide the Nanovic Institute with a 500-1000 word report about the experience and its outcome, as well as at least three photos from the trip. Reports and photographs must be submitted through the online portal according to the directions in the grant award packet by the deadline communicated at the time of award. Unless permission is expressly denied, the Nanovic Institute retains permission to share these reports and photographs.