Valentina Zaffino

Visit Dates: 2015-16

Pontifical Lateran University
Vatican City, Italy

Research Interests
  • Greek Philosophy
  • Renaissance Philosophy
  • Medieval and Modern Cultures

Dr. Valentina Zaffino is a Research Associate in the Faculty of Philosophy at Pontifical Lateran University, where she teaches a course on Plato and Aristotle as well as one in Renaissance philosophy. She has worked on Platonism and Hermetism in the Preaching of Nicholas of Cusa: at the Origins of European Renaissance, a book manuscript that focuses on Cusanus’s sermons and their relationship to, among other things, Hermetic astrology. Such a relationship places Cusanus between medieval and modern cultures and suggests interesting parallels with Giordano Bruno and the Cambridge Platonists two centuries later. 

Dr. Zaffino served as a visiting scholar during the summer of 2016.