Orysya Hachko Bila

Visit Dates: 2009-10

Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine

Research Interests
  • Philosophy of HIstory 
  • Post-structuralism
  • Memory Studies

My visit in 2010 was a major contribution to the future success of my doctoral dissertation. I have collected the core literature for my work on Foucault's concept of history. The staff of Nanovic Institute was very helpful in supporting my research ambitions and they did their best to make me feel welcome. I especially thank to Dr. A. James McAdams, Sharon Konopka, and Jennifer Lechtanski. And finally, it was in Notre Dame University that I met Dr. Garry Gutting, the leading expert on Foucault studies in the USA. It could not be a better experience than this.

Currenlty I am an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine). My dissertation title was ""Michel Foucault's Genealogical Project as an Attempt to Overcome Historicism"" (Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State National University, 2015).

She was a a visiting scholar for the 2009-2010 academic year.