Media Mentions: February 2024

January 2024 February 2024 March 2024

  1. 'Amon Banwa sa Lawud' is Best International Feature Film

    Anton Juan's film has been named "Best International Feature Film" at the Louth International Film Festival.

  2. Russia Splatters The Environment, Leaving Its Own Country A Mess

    Susanne Wengle, professor of political science is quoted: “It is holding on to power tooth and nail. It is fighting a costly war. No one knows why the Russian government does anything, but it now has an economy centered on the war effort. It is not considering climate change and carbon reductions in 2030 or 2050.”

  3. After Two Years of War, Ukraine Sees Deepening Environmental Wound

    Debra Javelin is quoted in this article: “The humanitarian disaster is of the utmost importance — the number of deaths and structures that were destroyed — but the collateral damage is intense destruction to the atmosphere.”

  4. The Eucharist and Human Dignity

    Clemens Sedmak writes for Church Life Journal from an essay first delivered as the first lecture in the "The Only Solution is Love: The Eucharist and Catholic Social Teaching" series hosted by Michael Baxter for the McGrath Institute for Church Life.

  5. SPEECH AND CENSORSHIP #5: Michael Zuckert on James Madison’s “Report of 1800”

    Michael Zuckert joins the Enduring Interest podcast.

  6. Book review: Christ the Logos of Creation: An essay in analogical metaphysics John R. Betz

    John Betz's book is reviewed in Church Times.

  7. Book review: Integral Human Development: Catholic Social Teaching and the capability approach, edited by Séverine Deneulin and Clemens Sedmak

    The Church Times reviews Clemens Sedmak's latest book "Integral Human Development: Catholic Social Teaching and the capability approach."

  8. Notre Dame President Fr. Jenkins visits Pope Francis

    Notre Dame President Rev. John I Jenkins, C.S.C., and President-Elect Robert A. Dowd, C.S.C., met with Pope Francis.

  9. Two Notre Dame music professors nominated for Sunday's Grammy awards

    Professor of the practice piano Daniel Schlosberg is up for Best Classical Solo Vocal Album and associate professor of the practice for voice Stephen Lancaster is part of an ensemble nominated for Best Choral Performance.