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  1. War and (A Just) Peace in Ukraine

    A homily Yury Avvakumov delivered during the 2-year commemoration of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine was recently adapted and published by Church Life Journal.

  2. We will live with Putin’s war long after he is gone

    “No one knows why the Russian government does anything, but it now has an economy centered on the war effort. It is not considering climate change and carbon reductions in 2030 or 2050,” said Susanne Wengle, a professor of political science at Notre Dame.

  3. Kentucky Air Guard plane to fly over France to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day

    Ian Johnson is referenced to describe the international tension surrounding D-Day.

  4. With time short, veterans seize the chance to keep their D-Day memories alive for others

    Ian Johnson is quoted in this AP article discussing the significance of D-Day and how everyone knew it would happen, they just did not know when.

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