Yaroslav Prytula

Visit Dates: 2022-23
Office: 1060I Nanovic Hall

Ukrainian Catholic University


Research Interests
  • European entrepreneurship and innovations
  • Economics and cognitive systems
  • Econometric modeling and forecasting
  • Quantitative methods for making business decisions

Yaroslav Prytula is dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the Ukrainian Catholic University and an adjunct professor of quantitative methods for business decision-making and economics at the UCU Business School. He previously served as associate professor in the Department of International Economic Analysis and Finance at Lviv Ivan Franko National University (LIFNU) and has taught and conducted research at various international institutions including George Washington University, the Open Society Institute Academic Fellowship Program in Budapest, the Institute for Higher Education Policy in Washington DC, and George Mason University. He has held a number of competitive international fellowships including the William and Helen Petrach Visiting Research Scholarship (2001) and a Fulbright Research Scholarship (2013-14).

Prytula was awarded a PhD in Mathematical Analysis from LIFNU in 2000. His current research is related to quantitative methods in social science, socio-economic regional development in Ukraine, and corruption and informal practices in business and higher education in Ukraine.