Annie Seul

Phone: 574-631-2745
Office: 1060J Jenkins Nanovic Halls

Program Manager, Finance & Administration

Annie Seul serves as the finance and administration program manager at the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, where she is responsible for maintaining and strategizing the institute’s financial resources.

In 2023, Annie received a Ph.D. in French language and literature from Washington University in St. Louis. Her research focused on the intersection of literature and medicine in 18th-century France, emphasizing literary representations of suffering and its salutary effects. Annie’s passion for the French Enlightenment blossomed when she was an undergraduate at Notre Dame and had the incredible fortune of receiving grants from the Nanovic Institute which allowed her to conduct academic research in France.

Outside of work, Annie can usually be found reading and either watching or playing sports, preferably in the company of her small dog, Maisie.