Waiting for Karlsruhe

Author: Caitlin O'Connor

The German Constitutional Court is expected next week to issue its judgment on whether the proposed European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is congruent with Germany's Basic Law. A "no" would be clear but cause widespread consternation. Even a "maybe" or "partially" will considerably lengthen the process of jointly addressing Europe's (massive) sovereign debt problems, insufficient economic growth, record unemployment and capital outflows, the fragility of the eurozone, and the political integration of Europe 27.  The Court's ruling is expected on 12 September.

The following week, on 19 September, faculty fellows of the Kellogg Institute for International Studies and the Nanovic Institute for European Studies will hold a joint panel discussion of these topics at Notre Dame. Not without good reason is the Nanovic Institute's film series this semester entitled "Power and Fragility."