Ross King speaks on his latest book, "Mad Enchantment: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies"


Location: Jordan Auditorium, Mendoza College of Business

Mad Enchantment: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies by Ross King

Claude Monet’s water lily paintings conjure visions of peace, beauty and tranquility. However, these majestic canvases were created during a time of war: Monet began work on them only months before the outbreak of WWI. They are also the product of an anguished period in his life, when he was coping with the death of his wife, his deteriorating vision, and his artistic self-doubts. This illustrated lecture will examine the impact of these events on his most iconic paintings.

Dr. Ross King is an award-winning art historian who has published books on French, Italian and Canadian art and history. His works include Brunelleschi’s Dome and Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling and Leonardo and the Last Supper.