"Commensality and Conflict: Politics of Conviviality at the Gastronomic Table"


Location: 140 DeBartolo Hall


Prof. Dubois is Associate Professor of French at Bucknell University, an expert on 19th-century and contemporary French cuisine.  His scholarly interests include:  Gastronomic discourse, Representations of masculinity, gender, and sexualities, Queer landscapes, Vegetarianism, and Food politics.  Among his publications is an article entitled "Same-sex Politics in French and Francophone Literature" (from the The Cambridge History of Gay and Lesbian Literature), as well as articles on gastronomy and le terroir in Contemporary French CivilizationGastronomica, and a special issue that he edited of Contemporary French and Francophone Studies on "Beyond Terroirs." 

He will be here on April 12-15, to speak about his latest project, Fragments d’un discours savoureux: Savoirs gastronomiques et politiques de la convivialité à table

Sponsored by the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, and the Ph.D. in Literature program at the University of Notre Dame.