Lecture: Freedom From Religion


Location: Eck Hall of Law, Room 1130

p(image-left). "!/assets/54131/joseph_h_h_weiler.jpg(Joseph Weiler)!":http://its.law.nyu.edu/facultyprofiles/profile.cfm?personID=20371 h4. "Joseph Weiler, University Professor, NYU School of Law":http://its.law.nyu.edu/facultyprofiles/profile.cfm?personID=20371 *This lecture is open to students, faculty, staff, and members of the public.* Professor Weiler’s lecture "Freedom From Religion" on Wednesday, November 30 at 4:30 pm will focus on the March 2011 decision of the European Court of Human Rights in _Lautsi v. Italy_, which held that the Italian law providing for the display of the crucifix in public schools does not violate the European Convention on Human Rights. That ruling overturned a previous, unanimous decision by a smaller group of judges of the same court, that had found that crucifixes could not be displayed in Italian schools. The Grand Chamber decision represents a major victory for religious rights and religious pluralism in Europe. "Additional information on the importance of the March 2011 ruling and international response to the decision":http://www.ilsussidiario.net/News/English-Spoken-Here/Culture-Religion-Science/2011/3/18/CRUCIFIX-Professor-Weiler-s-First-Comment-on-Grand-Chamber-s-Ruling/160046/ h4. Brief Biography of Professor Joseph Weiler J. H. H. Weiler is University Professor and European Union Jean Monnet Chair at NYU Law School. He serves as Director of The Tikvah Center for Law and Jewish Civilization and The Straus Institute for the Advanced Study of Law and Justice. He was previously Professor of Law at Michigan Law School and then Manley Hudson Professor of Law and Jean Monnet Chair at Harvard Law School. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and recipient of a doctorate _Honoris causa_ from several universities. His publications include _Un’Europa Cristiana_ (translated into nine languages), _The Constitution of Europe – “Do the New Clothes Have an Emperor?”_ (translated into seven languages), and a novella, _Der Fall Steinmann_. Sponsored by the "College of Arts and Letters":http://al.nd.edu, the "Notre Dame Law School’s Program on Church, State, and Society and its Program on Law and Human Development":http://law.nd.edu/, the "Nanovic Institute for European Studies":http://nanovic.nd.edu, the "Department of Theology":http://theology.nd.edu, and the "Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS)":http://ndias.nd.edu.

You can watch the full lecture below: