Reentry Open House


Location: Hesburgh Center for International Studies

Sponsored by the Kellogg Institute for International Studies

Have you been abroad lately?

Find out about ND opportunities that will help you use your experiences abroad to enhance your eligibility for post-graduate careers, fellowships and graduate study.

Learn how you can go abroad again through research and language grants and where you can present the research you did at conferences throughout the academic year.

Reconnect with old friends, share your stories, and learn how to use technology to share your experiences with others.

Gain information about

  • Classes available that will allow students to reflect on their experiences and develop research ideas for further study
  • Research and language grant options
  • National fellowships
  • Undergraduate conferences
  • Counseling options (and/or reentry discussion groups)
  • Career Center advice
  • Ideas for how to share stories with the South Bend community and others

Talk to University representatives to learn about fellowships, research grants, and career advising.
The Nanovic Institute will have a table at the event, so make sure you stop by to say hello!

For more information and to register, visit the Reentry Open House website.